ShoeTech ERP

Footwear Industry is one of the largest business houses in India. Shoes industry is highly subjective to fluctuations in demands, processing abilities, seasonal trends, operating costs and various other factors. Nevertheless, GFN Dselva Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has year of experience in assisting businesses involved in Footwear industry to make their critical business process more streamlined and effective.
D’selva Team is offering Shoe Tech ERP which is a dedicated Web based ERP Software for footwear/shoes manufacturing industries. Our ERP software provides solutions to all level of industry requirements from product development to planning, production, dispatch, invoicing and accounting integrated to each other. ShoeTech ERP is modular and it is security integrated application, runs on cloud so that user can access on Internet from anywhere. ShoeTech is written using the best technologies to provide user the best and smooth user interface which can be easy to work.
Even if you are using an ERP, contact us for a Free Consultation to gain better results out of your investments. D’selva Team is ready to resolve all your queries.
About Shoetech Modules

ShoeTech ERP comes with Multiple Modules including Sampling Module, Sales/Export Documentation Module, Planning & Production Module, Wages Module, Procurement & Inventory Module, Costing Module, Financial & Sales Accounting Module, Security Settings Module. All the Modules are designed and developed with in-depth knowledge of working style of Footwear Industry. All ShoeTech Modules are tightly integrated with Seamless Features and Functionalities so that any company can manage day to day challenges and plan their resources effectively for improved efficiency.
Features of ShoeTech Modules

Sampling/Product Development Module
Sampling/ Product Development Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Development Seasons
- Bill of Materials Category
- Bill of Materials Groups
- Product Category
- Product development types
- Customers
- Couriers
- Article no# Generations
- Pattern Sheet
- Sample Requisition sheet
- Sample Components
- Sample Process
- Cutting
- Closing
- Lasting
- Packing
- Sample Invoice
- Product develop Status Report
- Purchase Requirement Reports
- Email Status of Pending confirmation
- Email alerts on custom rules
Sales/Export Documentation Module
Sales/ Export Documentation Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Customers /Agents
- Currency
- Invoice Nature
- Order Category
- Domestic
- Export
- Order/Material Assortments
- Rate Premium Master
- Customer Brands
- Payment Heads
- Sales Order
- Domestic
- Export
- Order Confirmation
- Invoice
- Domestic
- Export
- Insurance
- Drawback List
- Pro-forma Invoice
- Master documents
- Insurance Report
- Sales Order Status reports
- FOBC Register
- Order Reports
- Order Comparison for Seasons
- Email to production department on new orders
Planning & Production Module
Planning & Production Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Processes/Operations
- Constructions
- Production BOM
- Specification Sheet/Technical Sheet
- Packing Bill of Material
- Packing Instruction sheet
- Specification Sheet Options
- Confirm sheet
- Hold sheet
- Un-confirm sheet
- Cancel sheet
- Close sheet
- Article QC Instruction Sheet
- Production Pre/Post costing
- Barcode generation
- Cutting to Closing
- Lasting to Packing
- Work floors
- Workers
- Conveyors
- Contractors on floor/Supervisors
- Fabricators/Contractors
- Production Process
- Cutting
- Preparation
- Closing
- Lasting
- Packing
- Dispatch Challan
- Order sheet closing
- Factory Outlet
- WIP on Floor
- WIP of Stores
- WIP of Factory
- Cost of WIP Floor/Process/Factory
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Production reports
- Size wise Production status of Sheet
- Customer wise Production status
- Season wise Production Status
- Hourly Production status
- Delivery Planning
- Email alerts of daily production
- Email alert of Season production status
Wages Distribution Module
Wages Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Wages Operation
- Article wages operation
- Wages Slip and Cards
- Wages Card Creation for Operation/work floors
- Wages Card Transfer for Operation/work floors
- Wages Weekly worker payment
- Advance and Deduction
- Advance and Deduction ledger/payment
- Incentive
- Wages Ledger for worker
- Email alerts of wages activity
- Wages Rate change Charge
Procurement and inventory Module
Procurement & Inventory Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Material Category/ Groups
- Material Units
- Suppliers
- Materials
- Price List
- Material Stores/Sub-stores
- Purchase Order
- Material Requirement Planning(MRP)
- Stock Purchase
- Material Requirement as per Orders
- Good Incoming Quality Check
- Goods Receiving
- Material Issue note
- FLOOR as per Order
- Job-work
- Return
- Transfer
- Sample
- Requirement Pending as per Sales Order
- Gate Pass and Challans
- Returnable
- Non-Returnable
- Requirement Pending as per Technical Sheet
- Pending Material to Receive.
- Delayed material
- Supplier Performance
- Purchase/GRN Registers
- Daily reports for Material issue note
- Average Consumption of Stock materials
- Average Consumptions as per Paper Averages
- Stock Reports
- Stock cost Report
- Materials Ledgers
- Stock Ageing report
- Price List
- Price History
- Email alert to Vendor follow-up to vendors
- Email alert of delayed materials to purchasers
Costing Module
Costing Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Post production of Articles
- Post Production summary of Order
- Average Costing of Stock Materials
- Email alert on Average costing cross threshold
Financial & Sales Accounting Module
Financial & Sales Accounting Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Account Category/Groups
- Account Ledgers
- Cost centers
- Voucher
- Cash
- Journal
- Purchase
- Debit
- Credit
- Payment
- Sale
- Sale Punching from Invoice
- Freight vouchers as per Invoice
- Sale Realization
- Budgeting
- Sales Reports
- Statement of Accounts
- Trial Balance
- GST Features
- Hsn Master
- Sac Master
- Multiple Address In Customers
- GST No In Supplier And Customers
- Product Category Master With GST Rate
- Material Group With Hsn Codes
- Tax Invoice (Material /Manual /Sale)
- Reserse Charge Invoice(Purchase Invoice)
- State Codes As Per GST
- Debit Note
- Credit Note
- Delivery Note
- Bill Of Supply
- GST No On Each Document In Inventory And Sales
- Excel To Upload Third Party (Shared as per GST Regime) For Offline Tool
- GSTR 1 (Tax Invoice)
- Credit Note
- Debit Note
- Reverse Charges Invoice

Security Settings Module
Security Setting Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- User Master
- Role-Right Permission
- Store Permission
- And Many More Master Screens

Sampling/Product Development Module
Sampling/ Product Development Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Development Seasons
- Bill of Materials Category
- Bill of Materials Groups
- Product Category
- Product development types
- Customers
- Couriers
- Article no# Generations
- Pattern Sheet
- Sample Requisition sheet
- Sample Components
- Sample Process
- Cutting
- Closing
- Lasting
- Packing
- Sample Invoice
- Product develop Status Report
- Purchase Requirement Reports
- Email Status of Pending confirmation
- Email alerts on custom rules

Sales/Export Documentation Module
Sales/ Export Documentation Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Customers /Agents
- Currency
- Invoice Nature
- Order Category
- Domestic
- Export
- Order/Material Assortments
- Rate Premium Master
- Customer Brands
- Payment Heads
- Sales Order
- Domestic
- Export
- Order Confirmation
- Invoice
- Domestic
- Export
- Insurance
- Drawback List
- Pro-forma Invoice
- Master documents
- Insurance Report
- Sales Order Status reports
- FOBC Register
- Order Reports
- Order Comparison for Seasons
- Email to production department on new orders

Planning & Production Module
Planning & Production Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Processes/Operations
- Constructions
- Production BOM
- Specification Sheet/Technical Sheet
- Packing Bill of Material
- Packing Instruction sheet
- Specification Sheet Options
- Confirm sheet
- Hold sheet
- Un-confirm sheet
- Cancel sheet
- Close sheet
- Article QC Instruction Sheet
- Production Pre/Post costing
- Barcode generation
- Cutting to Closing
- Lasting to Packing
- Work floors
- Workers
- Conveyors
- Contractors on floor/Supervisors
- Fabricators/Contractors
- Production Process
- Cutting
- Preparation
- Closing
- Lasting
- Packing
- Dispatch Challan
- Order sheet closing
- Factory Outlet
- WIP on Floor
- WIP of Stores
- WIP of Factory
- Cost of WIP Floor/Process/Factory
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Production reports
- Size wise Production status of Sheet
- Customer wise Production status
- Season wise Production Status
- Hourly Production status
- Delivery Planning
- Email alerts of daily production
- Email alert of Season production status

Wages Module
Wages Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Wages Operation
- Article wages operation
- Wages Slip and Cards
- Wages Card Creation for Operation/work floors
- Wages Card Transfer for Operation/work floors
- Wages Weekly worker payment
- Advance and Deduction
- Advance and Deduction ledger/payment
- Incentive
- Wages Ledger for worker
- Email alerts of wages activity
- Wages Rate change Charge

Procurement and Inventory Module
Procurement & Inventory Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Material Category/ Groups
- Material Units
- Suppliers
- Materials
- Price List
- Material Stores/Sub-stores
- Purchase Order
- Material Requirement Planning(MRP)
- Stock Purchase
- Material Requirement as per Orders
- Good Incoming Quality Check
- Goods Receiving
- Material Issue note
- FLOOR as per Order
- Job-work
- Return
- Transfer
- Sample
- Requirement Pending as per Sales Order
- Gate Pass and Challans
- Returnable
- Non-Returnable
- Requirement Pending as per Technical Sheet
- Pending Material to Receive.
- Delayed material
- Supplier Performance
- Purchase/GRN Registers
- Daily reports for Material issue note
- Average Consumption of Stock materials
- Average Consumptions as per Paper Averages
- Stock Reports
- Stock cost Report
- Materials Ledgers
- Stock Ageing report
- Price List
- Price History
- Email alert to Vendor follow-up to vendors
- Email alert of delayed materials to purchasers

Costing Module
Costing Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Post production of Articles
- Post Production summary of Order
- Average Costing of Stock Materials
- Email alert on Average costing cross threshold

Financial & Sales Accounting Module
Financial & Sales Accounting Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- Account Category/Groups
- Account Ledgers
- Cost centers
- Voucher
- Cash
- Journal
- Purchase
- Debit
- Credit
- Payment
- Sale
- Sale Punching from Invoice
- Freight vouchers as per Invoice
- Sale Realization
- Budgeting
- Sales Reports
- Statement of Accounts
- Trial Balance
- GST Features
- Hsn Master
- Sac Master
- Multiple Address In Customers
- GST No In Supplier And Customers
- Product Category Master With GST Rate
- Material Group With Hsn Codes
- Tax Invoice (Material /Manual /Sale)
- Reserse Charge Invoice(Purchase Invoice)
- State Codes As Per GST
- Debit Note
- Credit Note
- Delivery Note
- Bill Of Supply
- GST No On Each Document In Inventory And Sales
- Excel To Upload Third Party (Shared as per GST Regime) For Offline Tool
- GSTR 1 (Tax Invoice)
- Credit Note
- Debit Note
- Reverse Charges Invoice

Security Settings Module
Security Setting Module provides all the Features and Functionalities that are necessary to manage the above stage of processing in the Industry working cycle.
- User Master
- Role-Right Permission
- Store Permission
- And Many More Master Screens
management controls

- Fully Automated Procurement Process
- Quality control
- Consumption control on stores
- Pre and Post production costing of Article
- Email alerts on activities
- Supplier approved rate master
- Department wise manpower planning & budgets
- Sample request and versioning of orders history
- WIP: Work in progress
- Dashboard for Sales, Production and Inventory

Benefits of ShoeTech ERP

- Effective Process Management
- Streamlined Workflow
- Reduced Overhead cost
- Multiple Reports
- Outstanding Inventory Management
- Better Finance & Account management
- Flexible and easy-to-use User Interface
- Full control on Real-Time product development, and vendor data

Shoetech makes the process crystal - clear!
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GFN D’selva Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
551-553, Fifth floor, JMD Megapolis, Sohna Road | Gurgaon
GFN D’selva Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
Chaudhary Complex, Ist Floor Opp. Kamayani Hospital NH-2, Sikandara, Agra- 282006
Copyright @ 2017 Shoetech ERP | All right reserved

Sales/Export Documentation PROCESS FLOW



Procurement and Inventory PROCESS FLOW


Financial & Sales Accounting PROCESS FLOW

Security Settings PROCESS FLOW

Shoe Tech Process Flow