Cost of defect in Software

Cost of defect in Software – We all are human and human make mistakes but here we are talking about software’s. Errors/Defects where we can measure the cost of defects caused. While developing the application by the impact of those defects. When we find them Lesser is the cost of defect, if earlier the defect is found.
Ex: – if error is found in the SRS (software requirement specifications) then it’s somehow cheap to fix it. We can do the correction to the requirement specification and can be re-issued. In this way when Defect/Error is found in the design then the design can correct. And can be re-issued But if the error is not caught in the SRS document. And It is not found till the user acceptance. Then the cost to fix those errors / defects will be too expensive.
If the error is made during documentation and the consequent defect is detected in the Requirements phase then it is relatively cheap to fix. Cost of defect in Software Same way if an error is made and the consequent defect is found in the design phase. The design can be corrected and reissued with little expense.
If any defect is introduced in the requirement specification and not detected until acceptance testing than it will cost too much to fix it. This is because rework will be needed in the specification and design before changes can be made in construction because one defect in the requirements may well affect into several places in the design and code and because all the testing work done-to that point will need to be repeated in order to reach the confidence level in the software that we require. It is quite often the case that defects detected at a very late stage, are not corrected because the cost of doing so is too expensive.
Conclusion: –
Incomplete or wrong information in documents may lead to wrong. Cost of defect in Software Product which is not been required by client so it’s very important to review the all documents before it is going to be initiated.
Written By:- Vijendra Pratap Singh
Senior Software Testing Engineer
(Dselva infotech pvt. Ltd. Agra)